The Official Unofficial Zorp project
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  • zorp 2.0.9-6 has been released
  • iptables-utils zorp-unoff version has been released
  • New whitepaper, even more FAQs
  • Zorp whitepapers released, new FAQs
  • New tproxy versions
  • New Zorp version: get the DN
  • The best bughunter
  • Bughunting contest extended
  • Valentine day bughunting contest!
  • Site updates: FAQ, design
  • Project File Releases: Zorp unofficial
  • zorp 2.0.9-6 released (Mon, 01 Nov 2004 21:49:58 GMT)
  • zorp 2.0.9-6 released (Mon, 01 Nov 2004 21:40:56 GMT)
  • iptables-utils 1.21-1 released (Mon, 01 Nov 2004 21:19:42 GMT)
  • zorp 2.0.9-1 released (Sat, 12 Jun 2004 00:00:00 GMT)
  • zorplibll released (Sat, 12 Jun 2004 00:00:00 GMT)
  • zorp zorp_2.0.8-1 released (Thu, 11 Dec 2003 00:00:00 GMT)
  • zorp zorp_2.0.7-2 released (Wed, 03 Dec 2003 00:00:00 GMT)
  • zorp zorp_2.0.7-1 released (Tue, 11 Nov 2003 00:00:00 GMT)
  • zorplibll zorplibll_2.0.26.23-1 released (Mon, 10 Nov 2003 00:00:00 GMT)
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    3. Acceptance plan

    The acceptance plan is relevant to the release branch of the TOE.

    Everything documented here is a statement of intent, and nothing of it should be interpreted as a binding offer. Remember, the software is under the GNU GPL, which means that ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.

    Version number hereby refers to the version number (not branch, not revision) of the source code. Version numbers contain two parts, separated by a dot, both started from 0.

    Version numbers with the second part being odd refer to "development" versions. The development versions are to introduce new features, and not expected to be used in production systems. A revision should be tagged as development version if it compiles (a debian package can be made of it).

    Version numbers with the second part being even refer to "production" versions. Production versions are expected to compile and run, and their documentation is expected to largely refer to the actual working of the TOE.

    Version numbers with the first part giving 0 modulo 3 are "preparational" versions, their overall security assurance is judged as not reaching the level documented in the ST.

    Version numbers with the first part giving 1 modulo 3 are "evaluationary" versions, their security assurance is judged as adequate for a CC audit.

    Version numbers with the first part giving 2 modulo 3 are the evaluated versions. The first such version (2.0) is created by changing nothing in the evaluated version but its version number. Further such versions are either the result of reevaluation or an evaluated assurance maintenance program.

    The procedure is simple: I develop or accept a new patch in the development branch. I check if it compiles, runs, etc. If I find that it meets the criteria, I tag it to the appropriate version. (ACM_CAP.4.12C)

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